- 16 Bit Registers
- 16 Bit Data Buses
- 20 Bit Address Buses (2^20 = 1 MiB Addressable Memory)
- AX-DX: General Registers
- SI, DI: Index Registers
- BP, SP: Pointer Registers
- Flag Registers
- CS, DS, SS, ES: Segment Registers
- Code Segment (CS): implicit in all fetch instructions.
- Data Segment (DS): implicit in remaining data access operations in memory.
- Stack Segment (SS): implicit in stack operations (push, pop) and indirect addressing.
- Extra Segment (ES): explicit selection to access data in memory.
Imediate Addressing: MOV AL, #13
Direct Addressing: MOV DX,[1234h]
Indirect Addressing: MOV AL,[BX]
DMR (Direct Memory Access)
Implements data transfers between memory-devices without CPU time. Different Configurations:
- Single Bus, detached DMA controller (2 bus cicles)
- Single Bus, integrated DMA controller (1 bus cicle)
- Independent bus (1 I/O bus cicle and 1 memory bus cicle)