Quick VHDL reference manual I put together for personal use.

VHDL is a general and flexible language for describing and modeling a digital system.

IEEE Standard Multivalue Logic System for VHDL Model Interoperability • IEEE Std 1164-1993

VHDL design descriptions

VHDL design description = ENTITY declaration + ARCHITECTURE body

  • Entity –> design I/O
  • Architecture –> Content or functionality of entity
    • Structural –> Set of interconnected components
    • Functional or Dataflow –> Flow of data expressed using concurrent signal assignment statements
    • Behavioral –> Set of statements that are executed sequentially in the specified order

Every architecture need an entity so it is usual to refer them as an ENTITY/ARCHITECTURE PAIR.

One Bit Comparator


Can be described as a sum of products: eq = /i0 . /i1 + i0 . i1

Gate-level Description (Functional or Dataflow):

library ieee;
use ieee. std_logic_1164. all ;		-- VHDL Standard

entity eq1 is				-- I/O of the comparator
	port (
		i0, i1: in std_logic;	-- 2 Inputs
		eq: out std_logic	-- 1 Output
	) ;
end eq1;

architecture sop_arch of eq1 is		-- Association ENTITY/ARCHITECTURE
	signal p0, p1: std_logic;	-- Definition of internal signals ("variables")

begin					-- This is not sequential code!!!
	-- sum of two product terms
	eq <= p0 or p1;			-- Output with result
	-- product terms
	p0 <= (not i0) and (not i1);	-- Condition 1
	p1 <= i0 and i1;		-- Or Condition 2
end sop_arch;


Entity declaration

  • IN –> Signal/data goes into the entity only
  • OUT –> signal/data goes out of the entity only (and is not used internally)
  • INOUT –> signal/data is bi-directional (goes into and out of the entity)
  • BUFFER –> signal/data that goes out of the entity and is also fed-back internally

Data Types

    • SIGNED, UNSIGNED, INTEGER, plus several data conversion functions

2-bit Comparator

Using the same structure as before:

library ieee;
use ieee. std_logic_1164. all ;
entity eq2 is
	port (
		a, b: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
		aeqb: out std_logic
	) ;
end eq2;
architecture sop_arch of eq2 is
	signal p0, p1, p2, p3: std_logic;
	aeqb <= p0 or p1 or p2 or p3; -- sum of four product terms
	-- product terms
	p0 <= ((not a(1)) and (not b(1))) and ((not a(0)) and (not b(0)));
	p1 <= ((not a(1)) and (not b(1))) and (a(0) and b(0));
	p2 <= (a(1) and b(1)) and ((not a(0)) and (not b(0)));
	p3 <= (a(1) and b(1)) and (a(0) and b(0));
end sop_arch;



Enables to build large systems from simpler or predesigned components –> structural description

architecture struc_arch of eq2 is				-- Association ENTITY/ARCHITECTURE
	signal e0, e1: std_logic;				-- Definition of internal signals ("variables")

	-- instantiate two 1-bit comparators
	eq_bit0_unit: entity work.eq1 (sop_arch)		-- Define the structure used in instantiation (1-bit comparator building block)
		port map (i0 => a(0), i1 => b(0), eq => e0);	-- inside-block => outside-block (bit 0)
	eq_bitl_unit: entity work.eq1 (sop_arch)
		port map (i0 => a(1), i1 => b(1), eq => e1);	-- inside-block => outside-block (bit 1)
	-- a and b are equal if individual bits are equal
	aeqb <= e0 and e1;
end struc_arch;



Sequential statements, which are executed in sequence.

  • Since their behavior is different from that of a normal concurrent circuit model, these statements are encapsulated inside a process
  • A process in itself is a concurrent statement Synthesizable processes include:
  • Describing routing structures with if and case statements
  • Constructing templates for memory elements

Sensivity List

List of signals to which the process responds (i.e., is “sensitive to”)


process (sensitivity_list)
	sequential statement;
	sequential statement;
end process;

When a signal is assigned multiple times inside a process, only the last assignment takes effect.

Test Bench

A special program that mimic a physical lab bench.

In the test bench, operations are performed sequentially

2-bit Comparator test bench program

  • the uut is the unit under test
  • the test vector generator block generates testing input patterns
  • the monitor block examines the output responses


	library ieee;
	use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
	entity eq2_testbench is		-- no I/O ports
	end eq2_testbench;
	architecture tb_arch of eq2_testbench is
		signal test_in0, test_in1: std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
		signal test_out: std_logic;
		-- instantiate the circuit under test
		uut: entity work.eq2 (struc_arch)
		port map (a=>test_in0, b=>test_in1, aeqb=>test_out);
		  -- test vector generator
			-- test vector 1
			test_in0 <= "00";
			test_in1 <= "00";
			wait for 200 ns;
			-- test vector 2
			test_in0 <= "01";
			test_in1 <= "00";
			wait for 200 ns;
			-- test vector 3
			test_in0 <= "01";
			test_in1 <= "11";
			wait for 200 ns;
			  -- test vector 4
			test_in0 <= "10";
			test_in1 <= "10";
			wait for 200 ns;
			-- test vector 5
			test_in0 <= "10";
			test_in1 <= "00";
			wait for 200 ns;
			-- test vector 6
			test_in0 <= "11";
			test_in1 <= "11";
			wait for 200 ns;
			  -- test vector 7
			test_in0 <= "11";
			test_in1 <= "01";
			wait for 200 ns;
		end process;
	end tb_arch;

Each test pattern comprises three statements:

  • values assigned to test_in0 and test_in1 signals
  • duration of assignment 200 ns

The code has no monitor: input and output waveforms are observed on a simulator’s display (“virtual logic analyzer”).

Vivaldo Specifics

After a .vld schematic can be seen by going into side menu -> RTL Analysis -> Open Elaborated Design Synthesis can be done to our design by going into side menu -> Run Synthesis We can see the overall FPGA Resource Distribution by going -> Synthesis -> Open Synthetized Design A schematic representation of the HDL code can be seen on Synthesis -> Open Synthetized Design -> Schematic